Hello there!

My name is Sudeep Mahato
I’m a Jr Web Developer

About me

Hello! I'm Sudeep Mahato, a passionate web developer based in Nepal. I enjoy building websites and web applications that are not only visually appealing but also function seamlessly.

My developer journey

Initially, I was into ethical hacking, but then I understood that knowing how apps work is the most important thing to find bugs. So, I started learning about web development to understand apps better.

CCT Hackathon V.1.0

May 3rd - 4th, 2022

During the second semester of my Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA), IT club of CCT held a 24-hour hackathon. At first, I was not sure if I should join because I only knew a little about HTML and CSS. But my friend urge me to try it. And it turned out to be a great experience that fueled my passion for technology.


Remote React Intern (April 1st - 21st, 2024)

At the end of my fifth semester in the BCA program, I landed a react internship at SSOMAI. However, after about a month, I decided to quit. The internship just wasn't giving me anything worthwhile to learn, and on top of that, it was unpaid. We were given tasks, but there was no one to really check in on us or give us any feedback on our work.


April 17th - 18th, 2024

On April 9th, a friend told me about Gracathon, a 24-hour hackathon organized by the CSIT Association of BMC - Butwal Multiple Campus. I was excited and shared the news with other friends. We decided to take part and made a team. We used Next.js for creating projects, and I worked on both front-end and back-end tasks. It was a great experience and we became second runner up.



Some projects that I’ve built
  • tMovies

    tMovies is a simple movie application built with React JS, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS, which allows users to search and view the trailer of both movies and TV series.

    • react
    • typescript
    • redux-toolkit
    • framer motion
    • rtk-query
    • tmdb-api
    • swiper
    • tailwindcss
  • Vacation Hub

    Vacation hub is an airbnb clone that allows people to rent out their properties or spare rooms to guests seeking accommodations.

    • nextjs
    • typescript
    • tailwindcss
    • react-query
    • mongodb
    • prisma
    • react-leaflet
    • next-auth
    • zustand
  • The Wild Oasis

    The wild oasis is an internal hotel management system allows employees to manage everything about hotel bookings, cabins, and guests.

    • nextjs
    • typescript
    • tailwindcss
    • react-query
    • mongodb
    • prisma
    • next-auth

Get In Touch

I'm currently looking for new opportunities. Let me know if you want to talk about a potential collaboration.